Alonso Vineyard, Aqua Dulce, California
This is an early picking of Grenache grapes from Alonso Vineyard on October 4, 2020. The grapes were stomped by foot prior to a fourteen hour maceration on the skins, then pressed to a stainless tank with the lees left inside. The result is a pink, peppercorn-colored and dark rosato style wine with notes of prickly pear, anise and salty breeze.
Cauleen Smith
Cauleen Smith was raised in Sacramento, California, and lives in Los Angeles. Drawing from structuralism, third world cinema, and science fiction, she makes things that deploy the tactics of activism in service of ecstatic social space and contemplation. Smith enjoys container gardening, collects vinyl records and rocks, and likes cats. She is currently a faculty member in the School of Theater, Film, and Television at the California Institute of the Arts.